DAY 96

Messing up my living room!

DAY 95

Snow warning today!  Wondering when will be spring coming! Love to see
bonding sibling relationship.

DAY 94

Today is a last day gymnastic, the instructor allows parents come
to join their fun and take a picture.   ;)

DAY 93

Since i had signed up be a YMCA member, i stay there almost
everyday even after picking up my little one from preschool, my
little one and i or her preschool's parent will be there playing for
a while,  that is good for us having a fun time.

DAY 92

After finishing my felt clip, for sure my little one is be my little model, but it
seems she doesn't really work with me today.  My big boy is working hard on
his electronic comic book.

DAY 91

My little one is wearing my new felt clip, and really giving
her helping hand.

DAY 90

Very sunny day at NAIT.

DAY 89

During spring break, we are staying at home very often, and tonight i am going
to my fifth subject at NAIT.

DAY 88

In the library.

DAY 87

So much playing with the gun.

DAY 86


DAY 85

Eating lunch.